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The academic Department of Oncology at McMaster University, located at the Juravinski Cancer Centre, was created in 2006 in recognition of the unique health and societal burdens that cancer represents. It is the first new department to be established in the Faculty of Health Sciences since 1989, and has an outstanding multidisciplinary group of faculty dedicated to excellence in research and education.

Cancer is a major health concern in Canada. Two in five Canadians may experience a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime, with over 200,000 cases diagnosed annually. Cancer is not a single entity but a collection of over 100 unique malignant diseases, each requiring highly specialized teams to work together to provide evidence-based high quality care. The cancer care journey includes multiple steps and transitions with a variety of providers across many disciplines. Similarly, cancer research and education are team sports requiring strong multidisciplinary collaborations. As such, the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University is the ideal home for the Department of Oncology as an innovative, creative and world class academic institution that fosters effective and meaningful collaborations.

Departmental Organizational Structure

The Department of Oncology is a clinical academic department that is led by the Department Chair.

It is organized into research, education and clinical division streams. A robust administration team supports all departmental activities and special committees support the department’s governance and management.

Department of Oncology Organizational Structure



Jonathan Sussman

Professor and Chair, Department of Oncology

Tim Whelan

Timothy Whelan

Professor, Associate Chair, Research

Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Breast Cancer Research

Bindi Dhesy-Thind

Sukhbinder Dhesy-Thind


Associate Chair, Education

Thi Ho

Director of Administration

Dr Hotte

Sebastien Hotte


Division Head, Medical Oncology

Dr. Dayes

Ian Dayes

Associate Professor

Division Head, Radiation Oncology

Gwynivere Davies

Gwynivere Davies

Assistant Professor

Division Head, Malignant Hematology