A Message from the Division Head of Medical Oncology, Sebastien Hotte
The Division of Medical Oncology provides innovative and state-of-the-art treatment for patients with solid malignancies to all cancer patients in Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) four. There are 22 division members based at the Juravinski Cancer Centre and its affiliates and an additional 12 medical oncologists and hematologists based at the Walker Family Cancer Centre. While the majority of patients are seen at the Juravinski Cancer Centre, care is provided as close to home as possible at affiliated sites in Brantford, Burlington and Niagara.
Educational opportunities in medical oncology include exposure to the basic science of oncology in the McMaster undergraduate medical program, a two-year sub-specialty residency program following three years of internal medicine, a fellowship program offering one-two year clinical research fellowships in focused areas and tailored electives for learners from other disciplines. Faculty and trainees are involved in a broad range of clinical and health systems research, including clinical trials, translational research, quality improvement and health system evaluation and planning.

Division Head of Medical Oncology
Key Contacts

Avril Rogers
Administrative Supervisor, Surgical Oncology and Systemic Treatment Program