A Message from the Division Head of Radiation Oncology, Ian Dayes
The Division of Radiation Oncology provides comprehensive radiation treatment services to cancer patients within a multidisciplinary and academic setting. Treatment is available at both the Juravinski Cancer Centre at Hamilton Health Sciences and the Walker Family Cancer Centre in Niagara. In order to provide care close to home, consultation and follow up services are also provided at affiliated sites in Brantford and Burlington in order to ensure that all patients in the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) have access to state of the art treatment.
Educational opportunities in radiation oncology include exposure to the basic science of radiation oncology in the McMaster undergraduate medical program, a five-year residency program, a fellowship programme offering one-two year clinical research fellowships in focused areas and collaborative learning opportunities with medical physics. Faculty and trainees are involved in a broad range of clinical research, including clinical trials and translational research, as well as evaluation of new technologies.

Division Head of Radiation Oncology